1° Livello
1500 ore
Made in Italy, fashion and luxury
“Made in Italy” is a worldwide famous label which describes cultural heritage, timeless elegance and well-known glamour. In a context where the fashion and luxury industries keep on developing rapidly and are in constant high-demand, the Italian fashion system keeps growing in the main international markets, while still remaining recognisable thanks to its creativity, brand luxury sector and its innovative medium-sized enterprises (MSEs). As the Italian excellence of raw materials and manufacturing, craftmanship, know-how, expertise and creative energy are well recognised within the world of fashion, being familiar with the characteristics of the Italian system represents a value added for those who wish to work in the fashion industry. In this context, this Postgraduate Master course provides students with a strong background that allows them to understand the fashion industry dynamics with a specific reference on Made in Italy and the role that it plays within the fashion industry. This Postgraduate Master focuses on the development of the fashion sector throughout history, marketing strategies and company branding, supply and production chains and fashion communications. During the course, the following topics will be covered: The History of Fashion and Costume Essential steps to launching a new brand Fashion timeframe, editions, collections The Fashion and Luxury distribution The Nearshoring definition and supply chains dislocation The concept of Made in Italy in the supply chain of Italian brands Types of partnerships with relevant legal and economic aspects The players in the supply chain Fashion as communication

1° Livello
1500 ore
Italian Arts, Communication and Entertainment
Italy has been, since antiquity, the centre of history, culture and art, but also Italy is the country that hosts unique and fascinating international events as well as some of the most acclaimed films in the history of cinema. The Italian entertainment industry is known worldwide for its epic films set in classical settings, the numerous film directors, actors and actresses as well as its strong and mass appealing TV shows formats born in the 1950’s. The programme offers a solid knowledge for the organization and promotion of arts events in digital era, but also the professional knowledge to enable students and passionate about the sector in specialising on the features of the Italian entertainment sector. During the course, the following topics will be covered: Art – Organisation and promotion of art events in the digital age Design – The Italian design: brands, classic models, innovation and creativity Economy – The Italian entertainment industry Communications – The Italian song festival of Sanremo between traditional media and social networks Cinema – Identity and Imagination. Italy and its movies The agency Journalism: news reporting means ANSA Information and Covid 19: The psychological impact of the health emergency in Italy Television – Writing the great Italian TV series From the show to the music: the Italian tv show and its direction The Great Beauty: Italian Art through the centuries Italian Art and Cultural Heritage Theatre: the soul of Italy on stage Italian Neorealism – Cinema narrating history Italian Cultural Studies – Perspectives in Otherness Music events management Italian jazz festivals Classic Neapolitan song In addition, students will have the opportunity to deepen the topics thanks to company case histories based on interviews with experts from the respective sectors.

1° Livello
1500 ore
MADE IN ITALY – Italian Food and Wine
Made in Italy is an expression that recalls the image of high-quality Italian products throughout the world. The Enogastronomy traditions are an authentic brand that may symbolise the excellence and uniqueness of the Made in Italy products. During the course, the following topics will be covered: Products and Territories with a geographical indication (GI)(PDO AND PGI, TSG, PAT and SLOWFOOD PRESIDIA PRODUCTS): History, Production, Territoriality; Wines and Territories with a geographical indication (GI, IGT, DOC AND DOCG): History, Production, Territoriality; Case Histories of the Study Course on PDO (Protected Denomination Origin) and PGI (Protected Geographical Indications) Products: Francesco Nacci, President of the Ceglie Messapica Biscuit Consortium – Slow Food presidium; Massimo di Porzio, Vice President of the Vera Pizza Napoletana Association TSG (Traditional Speciality Guaranteed); Giuseppe de Martino, President of the Pasta di Gragnano PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) Consortium; Gaetano Mastrantoni , PAT (Prodotto Agroalimentare Tradizionale – traditional processed agricultural product) Bufala Priverno; Nicola Bertinelli, President of Parmigiano Reggiano PDO (Protected Denomination Origin) Consortium Ethics and Sustainability: The future of Food&Wine productions. In addition, students shall learn the principles of ethics and sustainability and product communication and marketing, with references to the Italian food and wine products

1° Livello
1500 ore
Made in Italy – Italian Musical Heritage
Italy was the cradle of renowned composers who gave a fundamental contribution to many “art music” genres, from madrigals to opera; it was for centuries the European centre of classical music and the favourite destination for great composers such as Handel, Gluck, Mozart, Mendelssohn, and many others. The study course “Italian Music Heritage ” originated under such perspective. The course offers modules aimed at acquiring adequate knowledge and the cultural background necessary for achieving a higher level in this peculiar aspect of the history of music, provided by experienced lecturers in the sector. During the course, the following topics will be covered: – Introducing Italia Opera – Italian Music Outside Italy: Italian Composers at the Courts of Europe – The “Grand Tour” as a cultural-musical reference: Italy’s Music Festivals – Music Events Management – Italian instrumental music between 19th and 20th century – Italian jazz festivals – Classic Neapolitan song – Italian instrumental music – Italian sacred music – Italian bel canto singing – The Italian madrigalists and Claudio Monteverdi – The Italian art of violin – 20th century Italian opera highlights

1° Livello
1500 ore